Absar Akram Photo

Personal Post: About Life

It’s easy to get caught up in everyday life and forget to take a moment to appreciate the little things. That’s kind of the reason why I thought of writing this blog post. I’ll also add some photos in hope of making this post an easier read šŸ˜‰

One thing that helps me appreciate life is traveling. Whenever I get a chance to travel, I try not to miss it. Whether it’s a quick weekend getaway or a longer trip, traveling helps me break free from the monotony of everyday life. It allows me to experience new cultures, meet new people, and see things I’ve never seen before.

As a remote developer, my job usually involves writing code or looking into tech issues. It can be easy to get lost in my work and forget to take breaks.

@Dubai, UAE

That’s why I make sure to meditate and rest my mind regularly. I believe having the right state of mind is essential for productivity. When I take breaks and clear my mind, I find that I’m more focused and productive when I return to work.

Thad said, now you’d be disappointed if you are expecting to see a photo of me doing a yoga pose as I don’t have that photo. So, here is a photo of me when I was very happy and was having a great time with friends.

@Heydar Aliyev Centre, Baku, Azerbaijan

Something that I find very exciting is reading. I think books are way too valuable and I always feel that I should be reading more books. I like books that are filled with knowledge. I read very slowly, and many times I reread a paragraph. Sometimes, I reread the entire book. One of my favorite book is Sapiens: A brief history of mankind by Yuval Noah Harari. This book takes you on a journey through the history of mankind, and briefly touches an all the different parts of history.

Whenever I’m free, I like to go out for a walk, or meet a friend, or watch a tv show, or play chess or read a book or go for a swim. Being close to nature makes me immensely happy.

For me it’s like I can be really happy in those moments, and I don’t need anything from the outside world to make me happy. That’s an idea I learnt from a book by Eckhart Tolle called “The power of now”. Many of the lessons from that book are stuck with me, it’s hard to describe those ideas, so I suggest that you give that book a read.

@The Great Wall, Badaling, China

I love to think about life and the universe. I think life is a gift and it is beautiful. Here is a quote that I like to remind myself from time to time, to focus on the present and worry less about the future.

I never think of the future, it comes soon enough

-Albert Einstein

Thank you so much for reading this post.

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